
跟单信用证提供通用计算机系统覆盖合格的教员和员工,以确保他们有支持, 安全、合理的最新的计算机系统。 Unless otherwise identified as billable, centrally-managed systems will be supported, both software and hardware, at no additional cost until the system is deemed end-of-life 。

一个跟单信用证将计算机及相关外设 刷新后至少5年或已经走到尽头时,由其决定。当时的用户会收到一个邀请系统所取代。

随着硬件年龄它变得不可靠,更加困难和耗时的支持,可以创建安全风险,因此必须声明临终。 End-of-life, as defined here, is when the operating system is no longer supported by the vendor and the hardware cannot support a new operating system, the security officer declares the operating system a security risk, or the hardware has reached six years in age.  When a system reaches end-of-life it will no longer be supported and will no longer be allowed on the UMSL network.  For security reasons there can be no exceptions.

