
Common Searches

Billable Services

The following services have been identified as billable services; these services are not included in the list of basic services that comprise the UMSL Computer Program:

  • Service or repair on a computer past the recommended usage period of five years and prior to notification of end of life.

  • Computers centrally purchased through ITS that do not meet the campus standards (see theStandardization of Computers policy).

  • Computers centrally purchased through ITS for a departmental classroom (classroom not available as a campus resource).

  • One-time applicable hardware costs of equipment, including any amount above the UCP base desktop computer allotment.

  • Non-standard or department specific software not included in the campus image, including installation of and troubleshooting of the software.

  • Support, repair and troubleshooting of non-managed print services.

  • Additional storage above the standard storage quota or special request storage.

  • Hosting of servers for departments that have specific application needs requiring dedicated resources.

  • Technical consulting for TV Studio operations.

  • New or additional door access card system hardware requested by a department.

  • One-time setup fee for custom Triton Cards.

  • Telephone charges not included in UCP (e.g. Listings in carrier directories (White/Yellow Pages), conferencing services, POTS lines).
All other services ITS provides not covered above nor under UCP will be considered billable services.