
在验证2021 - 2022年援助期间,UMSL学生金融服务办公室将收集文件,以确定FAFSA上的某些问题是否正确报告。如果您被选为验证,则必须执行以下操作:

  • 监视您的UMSL电子邮件和MyView帐户。如果需要其他信息/文档,将通过电子邮件和/或myview要求它们。
  • 如果需要纠正信息,我们的办公室将以电子方式提交更正,并在中央处理器接受和处理后继续进行文件审查。如果不需要更正,则将继续进行审查。

因为有某些截止日期,因此必须及时完成验证过程。未能完成申请的验证将阻止您获得经济援助奖。对于联邦Pell Grant,必须在出席最后一天的90天内提交验证材料,以较早者为准。对于所有其他计划,我们的办公室必须不迟于上班日期收到验证材料。如果您不再上课,我们将无法为您提供经济援助。

Allow approximately 7-14 business days following receipt of your materials for the verification review, and an additional time if corrections are required.

IMPORTANT:If you wait until the summer months to submit the documents needed for the process to be completed, the amount of time it takes to complete the verification process may increase. Coordinators will contact students via their UMSL email address if additional information is required; please make sure you are checking your emails during the summer.


依赖和独立申请人(以及受抚养申请人的父母)allof the following criteria可能be eligible to use the IRS Data Retrieval process.

  • 必须具有有效的社会安全号码和法律名称匹配,
  • Must have filed the appropriate federal tax return, and
  • 以下是notapply to the applicant and/or parent(s)’ tax filing and/or marital status:
    • Married Filing Separately
    • Filed or will file an amended tax return
    • 提交了波多黎各人或外国纳税申报表
    • 申请联邦IRS纳税申请延期
    • Federal Tax Return was recently filed. In general, you should allow 3 weeks for processing of an electronically filed federal tax return and 6-8 weeks for a tax return filed by paper


The best way to verify income is by using the IRS Data Retrieval Tool that is part of FAFSA on the Web. If you have not already used the tool,登录到您的FAFSArecord on https://studentaid.gov, select "Make FAFSA Corrections", and navigate to the Financial Information section of the form. From there, follow the instructions to determine if you are eligible to use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool to transfer your Federal income tax information to your FAFSA. It takes up to two weeks for IRS income information to be available for the IRS Data Retrieval Tool for electronic IRS tax return filers, and up to eight weeks for paper IRS tax return filers. If you need more information about when, or how to use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool, see your Financial Aid Coordinator.

如果您无法或不选择在Web上使用FAFSA中的IRS数据检索工具,则必须提交联邦所得税申报表记录 - 而不是所得税申报表的影印本。可以按照以下说明在线请求免费的IRS纳税申报表。

  1. Go towww.IRS.gov
  2. Click on the "Order a Return or Account Transcript" link. It is free - you do not need to pay for it.
  3. Enter the tax filer's social security number, date of birth, street address and zip code. Use the address that was listed on the latest tax return filed.
  4. Make sure to request the Free IRS TaxReturn成绩单不是IRS税帐户成绩单
  5. More detailed steps aboutrequesting a transcript online

如果上述纳税申请或婚姻状况标准是not适用于the student and/or parent, he or she is eligible to transfer appropriate tax data from the IRS to the FAFSA:

  • 输入您的FSA ID。
  • 当已婚父母需要提供其FSA ID时,FAFSA流程将询问哪个父母链接到IRS网站,以确定FAFSA需要哪个父母的FSA ID。
  • When a student is completing an initial FAFSA, the FAFSA process will ask the applicant to enter their FSA ID before linking to the IRS Web site.
  • Link to FSA ID Options:
    • 对于没有FSA ID的申请人,“现在创建FSA ID”;或者
    • “I Forgot/Don’t Know FSA ID” for applicants who have a Federal Student Aid PIN
  • 带有FSA ID的IRS按钮链接。

When one or more of the first six tax filing or marital status filtering questions above适用,FAFSA过程将绕过选项Link to the IRS并根据其回应告知申请人,他或她没有资格将税收数据从IRS转移到FAFSA。

If you are ineligible to use the FAFSALink to IRS功能由于您的纳税申请和/或婚姻状况,并且选择了FAFSA进行验证,因此您将需要提交以下文件以验证您报告的FAFSA收入数据:

地位 Required Income Verification for Tax Filers
Married Filing Separately Federal IRS Tax Return Transcript for BOTH tax filers.
Married Filing Head of Household Federal IRS Tax Return Transcript.
提交或将提交修订的退货 联邦国税局修改了纳税申报表 *和 * IRS税帐户成绩单。
提交了波多黎各纳税申报单 波多黎各纳税申报表的签名副本。
Filed Foreign Tax Return Signed copy of the Foreign Tax Return
Parent如果父母提交了联合所得税申报表,其收入用于计算申请人的家庭捐款(EFC)的受抚养学生的收入和parent is married to someone other than the individual included on the joint income tax return.
  • 父母联邦IRS纳税申报笔录
  • IRS Form W-2 for each source of employment income received
  • 继父母联邦IRS纳税申报笔录
Parent如果父母提交了联合所得税申报表和parent is separated, divorced, or a widow of the individual included on the joint income tax return.
  • 父母联邦IRS纳税申报笔录
  • IRS Form W-2 for each source of employment income received
  • Student joint Federal IRS Tax Return Transcript
  • IRS Form W-2 for each source of employment income received
  • 配偶联邦IRS纳税申报笔录
独立学生who filed a joint income tax return andwho is separated, divorced or a widow of the individual included on the joint income tax return.
  • Student joint Federal IRS Tax Return Transcript
  • IRS Form W-2 for each source of employment income received