克里斯汀·索博里克(Kristin Sobolik)担任密苏里大学– ST的第八任总理。张信哲代言的欧宝网址路易。UMSL拥有近16,000名学生,是密苏里州东部的主要公共研究大学,也是美国领先的主持机构之一,促进了学生的成功,创新和繁荣的社区。

Sobolik于2017年被招募到UMSL,担任其教务长和学术事务副校长,在全国范围内进行搜索之后appointed Chancellorin 2020. As the chief academic and executive officer, Sobolik has enhanced the university’s research and fundraising efforts – resulting in a 57 percent increase in research expenditures over the past five years and a私人慈善事业增长21%.

Additionally, Sobolik has elevated the stature of UMSL’s inclusion, research and community engagement efforts by appointing first-ever vice chancellors fordiversity, equity and inclusionresearch and economic/community engagement, aligning the support structure of the university with goals of its strategic plan.

During her tenure, Sobolik led the development and implementation of the战略计划2018-2023with specific goals and actions focused on student success, research growth, community and economic development, diversity and inclusion and sustainable administrative functions. She also led a highly successfulreaccreditationby the Higher Learning Commission resulting in reaffirmation of UMSL’s accreditation for ten years.

Sobolik has introduced nearly a dozen new academic programs in areas such as Computing Technology, Cybersecurity, International Relations, Actuarial Science, Sports Management and Organizational Leadership. Further, she implemented an on-goingCurricular Alignment Processto align course offerings to student learning outcomes to increase student success, decrease time to degree and student debt and provide clear assessment guidelines. Results helped lead to UMSL’s recognition fordecreasing student debt和top in the nation rankings forsocial mobility.

Other highlights of Sobolik’s tenure include establishing theCommunity Innovation and Action Center, engaging UMSL’s executive leadership team in the南加州大学股票研究所,并启动Student Academic Support Servicesunit to support student learning through a renovated centralized space in the Millennium Student Center that houses the new University Tutoring Center, Multicultural Student Services, Pre-collegiate Programs, and Student Enrichment and Achievement.

Sobolik currently serves on numerous St. Louis-area boards, including Greater St. Louis, Inc., Cortex Innovation District, Missouri Botanical Garden, Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis, and BioSTL. Her accomplishments on and off campus prompted theSt. Louis Business Journal用一个Most Influential Business Womenaward in 2020.

在加入UMSL之前,Sobolik曾在赖特州立大学担任文科学院的院长,在那里她监督了创意艺术中心的现代化和扩展,包括汤姆·汉克(Tom Hanks)的电影中心,设想并实施了新的媒体孵化器,并开发了新的媒体孵化器,并开发学生保留和劳动力发展的学生成功中心。俄亥俄州西部的女童子军在蒸汽领域做出了重大贡献,并通过成就和对社区的热情给女孩带来了希望和灵感,因此被索博里克(Sobolik)作为一名具有杰出尊敬的女人。

Sobolik began her academic career at the University of Maine, quickly distinguishing herself as a teacher, scholar and administrator in the Department of Anthropology, world-renowned Climate Change Institute and the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, where she ultimately served as Associate Dean for Research and External Affairs.

Sobolik获得了爱荷华大学和硕士和博士学位的生物学学士学位。德克萨斯农工大学人类学学位。她是一位跨学科的学者,曾帮助发展了考古学和古文学领域,并在该主题上拥有100多个出版物,书籍和演讲。她和她的丈夫,斯科特·D·彼得森博士, reside in St. Louis and have four children.